Mt Airy Greening Network - MAGNet
Project Matrix

Below is an overview of our current projects Mt Airy Greening Network provides. Which one draws you?
Contact the key person - and come play with us! It’s free, it’s fun, and you meet your neighbors!
MAGNET Visioning & Project matrix -  12/2004
Theme Timeline
Current Projects 6  months 1  year 5  years 10 years

1-5 people
5-10 people 10-50 people 5000+ people

Develop MAGNET website & project-specific blogs for increased community involvement - Meenal, Ameet, Nancy

Develop the PhillyGreenPages - a guide to green products & services - Nancy

Develop the PhillyGreenMap - a visual guide to a sustainable Philly - Meenal

Develop a 'Starter pak' & 'Intro to Greening' workshop - Charles

Create a Roxborough group - Dana

Waste Refine & promote green map of compost sites - Meenal
Develop  recycling program for plastics labeled 3 thru 6 - Meenal Startup sustainable business in Philly with high employment in deconstruction, a reuse center - Ameet See at least one compost bin on every residential city block - Ameet
Initiate discussion on Peak Oil - Charles Train contractors to weatherize homes -- creating a local "green  contractor" directory - Steve

Transportation Develop  prototype "grease" car, running on waste vegetable oil and / or biodiesel - Meenal, Charles, Ameet & Chris
Cleanup along R8 line - Betsy Improve mass transit options in Philly
Consumption PhillyFreecycle - promote reuse & altruism - Meenal & Betsy

Sister project NWPhillyFreecycle -

Free for All - a 2005 Earth Day event - Miranda & Betsy
Develop Mt. Airy Shares - Meenal & Betsy Create a Consumer Purchasing Collective - Steve


Weaver’s Way - Betsy

Wissahickon Charter School
Meenal & Julie

Develop high-school environmental contest - Betsy

Develop citywide high-school environmental program with volunteer coordinators - Betsy

page modified: February 13, 2005